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Easy Diy Shed Building Plans

Interior walls on my shed

by Pete Hosier

Hi There, I have had a shed/summerouse built in back garden, I have starting insulating, I am ready to put the MDF boards on the walls and ceiling and i still have to lay insulation on floor and put in Laminate floorboards, Should i put boards on floor first before i put the mdf on the walls or should i do it the other way around, I,m concerned ill damage floor when i put the walss in
Please advise
Thank you

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Feb 25, 2023
Shed walls and shed floors
by: John

Hi Pete,

I think you may have answered your own question when you stated that you were concerned about damaging the floor if you did it first.

If it was me, yes I would definitely finish the shed walls first before finishing the floor.

However if you want, they make a product that you can buy at lowes or home depot or menards. It is called 'Ram Board'. It's basically a protective cardboard type of material that can be taped down to finished floors to protect them from damage. I use it all the time in my home remodeling. It is very easy to use and comes in a smaller roll and a bigger roll.

You basically just roll it out and tape it to your finished floor. Obviously if you drop something really heavy it's not going to protect from that but as for protecting from liquid spills and dropping of lighter objects it's the way to go!

I hope this helps to answer your question.

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